A. 显示无网络连接No Network Connection 1. 检查网络连接,wifi是否正常,测试可否访问国内网站。 2. 是否能访问外网, 3. 如果无法访问外网,说明jd出现问题,可以尝试更换jd。如果可以访问,说明是否在下载TikTok后禁用了网络。 B. 注册显示访问频繁 You are visiting our service too frequently 1. 稍后再试。 2. ...
显示无网络连接(No Network Connection) 看一下你的网络是否正常连接,打开几个国外网站看看能不能顺畅访问。没办法访问的话说明是你的网络有问题,要更换加速器,一般都是加速器的问题。 注册显示访问频繁(You are visiting our service too frequently) 退出关机,半小时后再试。 换一个邮箱进行注册。 更换加速器的节...
1、完善资料:包括用户名,头像,简介,刚开始,名称和头像尽量不要频繁修改。 2、验证邮箱:点击右上角三个小点,打开Manage my account。验证邮箱Verify your email,你会收到一个code,填进去即可。 3、把账号设置成Pro Account(Switch to Pro Account),这样才可以查看数据。 注:这个不能后补,若没切换,前面发的...
经常出现的问题 显示无网络连接(No Network Connection) 看一下你的网络是否正常连接,打开几个国外网站看看能不能顺畅访问。没办法访问的话说明是你的网络有问题,要更换加速器,一般都是加速器的问题。 注册显示访问频繁(You are visiting our service too frequently) 退出关机,半小时后再试。换一个邮箱进行注册。更...
You can download TikTok mod APK at no cost. It is available in all the countries with an ad-free version. You can also sign into the mod APK with these free TikTok accounts to enjoy the benefits. Hurry and get your free TikTok account with 1k followers and other amazing perks!
2.验证邮箱:点击右上角三个小点,打开Manage my account。验证邮箱Verify your email,你会收到一个code,填进去即可。 (图片来源:截自TikTok帐号设置页面) 3.把账号设置成Pro Account(Switch to Pro Account),这样才可以查看数据。 注:这个不能后补,若没切换,前面发的视频就看不到数据,所以刚开始就要切换成高创...
3.S.1143 - No TikTok on Government Devices Act 117th Congress (2021-2022) 4.https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/1143/text 5.https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1737057184809399054&wfr=spider&for=pc 6.https://www.shangyexinzhi.com/article/5835613.html ...
due to their underage status. Now, users who chose to provide incorrect details at the time of signing up for the service do not readily know the date of birth they gave to TikTok, and it is possible it falls in the underage category, leaving TikTok with no choice but to ban their ...
Sign in: Launch TikTok Live Studio and sign in using your existing TikTok account details. Access the 'Live' tab: Open your TikTok app and find the 'Live' tab on the left side of the screen. Set up your live stream: Provide basic information about your live stream, such as the title...