一、#TikTokMakeMeBuyIt 1. 超过33亿次播放量 说到商品相关的标签,#TikTokMakeMeBuyIt这个标签不得不提!目前已经有超过3.3Bviews(超过33亿次播放量),标签下被种草的商品无数。 Whether you're still hunting for feta cheese or just browsing the aisles,share your reviews for all things TikTok Made You ...
短短18天,#TkMakeMeBuyIt这个标签的播放量就涨了5亿,说明已经有越来越多的Tk用户在这里评价商品,也有越来越多的Tk用户被种草了不同的产品或服务。 (图片来源于Tk官网) 二、#TkMakeMeBuyIt功能 (一)带动播放量 一个产品或服务的短视频,加上标签#TkMakeMeBuyIt,等于分门别类到这个话题,可以帮助Tk用户找到他...
Think of TikTok as a marketplace full of potential customers. No matter what they’re looking for, a compelling pitch can convince them to try (and buy) your product. Here’s what you need to know about the “TikTok made me buy it” trend. What is the “TikTok made me buy it” tr...
转自TikTok For Business营销观察 #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt“#因为TikTok我才买”这一话题近期火爆TikTok,全球浏览量已超过24亿。顾名思义,这个话题下是用户在TikTok被种草并拔草购买后,发布的晒货/晒经验视频。不要小瞧这些视频的带货力!已经有许多品牌和产品因为这些原生视频“不经意地”走红,并获得产品销量的大幅提升。
I actually like to reapply it in the morning and wear the mask while I walk my dog. Because we start early here at CBS Essentials, it can still be a bit cold and dark when me and Harley go on our morning walk which can dry out my lips. Keeping it on for a li...
So, below, I tried it for myself to see if it’s really worth the hype. (Spoiler alert: It is.) Read on for my five main takeaways. Be Sure to Prime Beforehand Like any makeup product, you’ll want to prime your face before using the balm. Given the formula is a balm-to-...
深层来看,TikTok的“社区”影响力正在发挥更大作用。这点,从Hashtag: #TikTokMakeMeBuyIt可以窥见一二。该标签下,其实像一个推荐产品的“社区”,用户可以评价商品的好坏优劣。此外,商家也可以在推荐产品或者服务的视频加上#TikTokMakeMeBuyIt标签,如此,用户可以在话题中,刷到相关视频,实现视频种草。而这意味...
TIKTOK MADE ME BUY IT USE: Automated Curtains because its 2021 and you can make your entire house smart including having a smart curtain opener. Alexa, open my curtains. That is all I could think about after watching this TikTok video of automated motorized curtains. ...
Unisex Design: The toy's unisex design makes it suitable for both boys and girls, allowing parents to purchase one toy that can be enjoyed by all their children. Authentic Miniature Car: As a miniature car, this toy is designed to resemble a real car, sparking the imagination of little on...
在榜单上排名前8的灯具大多留评都有上万条,但这个卖家的灯具只凭1500多个评论就冲进了前六,这应该是一款新上架的产品。在短时间内能获得那么大的热度,它的营销能力功不可没。在评论区上,可以看到有人评论“TikTok make me buy it”,在TikTok上,也可以看到许多带有#EZVALO话题的短视频,且浏览量都不差,...