During this period, an unnamed designer created TikTok’s original logo—a simple “d” shape that resembles a musical note. The logo appeared in either black on white or white on black, with cyan and fuchsia accents creating a sense of movement. When TikTok launched globally, the company ad...
The designer, who TikTok doesn't name, apparently "chose the colour black as the background of the logo to excite users for the performances behind the app." Fair enough. Black also has the benefit of being different from the colours of any of the main established social media platforms, ...
goto(x,y)down()color(col)left(180)circle(50,270)forward(140)left(180)circle(50,90)done()mainloop()源码解释:from turtle import* 调用turtle库 width(20) 设置画笔粗细 bgcolor("black") 设置背景颜色 colors=["#db0f3c","#50ebf7","white"] 选用这三种颜色作为画笔颜色 pos=[(0,...
So if you too were asking how to design a TikTok logo; well, there you go. This was the logo originally introduced in 2016, alongside the international release of the social media platform. The design features a simple light aqua, black, and reddish-pink color scheme....
Color palette of TikTok logo Apart from red, black, and white, TikTok uses turquoise as one of its primary colors. Red evokes the feeling of passion, while black symbolizes elegance. White in the logo represents purity, and turquoise stands for communication. However, the combination of the fo...
But really TikTok? That logo design? The looping curves of the Whee logo recalls the Threads icon and the rainbow gradient of Instagram itself. Presumably it's meant to be a 'W' for Whee, and it uses a black background like theTikTok logo. But it seems almost impossible ...
Video about Tiktok logo icon. Music, sound, equalizer icon design. Video of concept, design, musical - 181610887
3D TikTok Logo Animation ibadu Tiktok interface animation, main me and camera recording. Mnacik Social media, TikTok, Instagram user. msstock Motion Tiktok Plexus Background YuElaine Caucasian Man Playing with Smartphone Horizontally duallogic Vertical video of The phone of the man talking on the ...
The logo represents a three-color note (pink, blue, and white) against the black field. It was no accident: the designer was inspired by a rock concert with a dark hall and a stage lit up. The emblem’s distinct feature is that it looks like 3D: neon colors overlap each other, sign...
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