without opening a wound of abuse and humiliation. as the web expanded, the masks came to audiovisual life—and the pain only deepened. in the early 2010s, sweet brown and charles ramsey offered live-witness accounts of real-life horrors on the nightly news, only to have their words refash...
Mournful guitar picking opens the song, which changes quickly to hard charging drums and an all-out guitar attack. “We all know it’s wrong but we’re singing along,” lyrics echoing many rock bands' resentment of the flow of information to the public. In the end, the song’s hero do...
Mournful guitar picking opens the song, which changes quickly to hard charging drums and an all-out guitar attack. “We all know it’s wrong but we’re singing along,” lyrics echoing many rock bands' resentment of the flow of information to the public. In the end, the song’s hero do...
without opening a wound of abuse and humiliation. as the web expanded, the masks came to audiovisual life—and the pain only deepened. in the early 2010s, sweet brown and charles ramsey offered live-witness accounts of real-life horrors on the nightly news, only to have their words refash...