若店铺内还未上架商品,则点击“Get started"开始上架商品;若店铺内已有商品,则点击"Manage Shop"添加店铺内商品。 添加完商品后,在主页点击“+”进入直播界面,设置好直播封面和标题后,点击"GO LIVE"开启直播。 Step 3: 在商家直播界面找到购物袋图标,并点击"Add from Shop"为直播间添加商品。 Step 4: 在主播...
②主播必须年满16周岁,而且年满18周岁的用户才能在直播期间收取、或送出虚拟礼物。 (二)直播回放(LIVE Replay) TikTok直播拥有90天的有效回放期,如果你是跨境电商,可以选择将自己的直播内容下载到本地,然后重新剪辑成短视频,扩大宣传力度,吸引人来到你的直播间,如果视频火了还能多一份收益。 (三)TIkTok直播新功能...
②主播必须年满16周岁,而且年满18周岁的用户才能在直播期间收取、或送出虚拟礼物。 (二)直播回放(LIVE Replay) TikTok直播拥有90天的有效回放期,如果你是跨境电商,可以选择将自己的直播内容下载到本地,然后重新剪辑成短视频,扩大宣传力度,吸引人来到你的直播间,如果视频火了还能多一份收益。 (三)TIkTok直播新功能...
6、巧用营销词汇: 专场、盛宴、福利、折扣、豪礼、狂欢、限量、限时、超强值低划算。 设置完标题以及封面之后,就能够看到Go live界面,其中上方界面右侧工具栏有五个,分别是: 镜头翻转(Flip) 美颜(Enhance) 视频特效(Effects) 直播间分享(Share) 设置(setting) 图片来源:TikTok 其中点击setting,能够设置直播间礼物...
(二)直播回放(LIVE Replay) TikTok直播拥有90天的有效回放期,如果你是跨境电商,可以选择将自己的直播内容下载到本地,然后重新剪辑成短视频,扩大宣传力度,吸引人来到你的直播间,如果视频火了还能多一份收益。 (三)TIkTok直播新功能 创作者在回应观众评论和提问的同时,还能够接受虚拟礼物,后续还会推出更多直播间功能。
Node.js library to receive live stream events (comments, gifts, etc.) in realtime from TikTok LIVE. - TikTok-Live-Connector/package-lock.json at main · zerodytrash/TikTok-Live-Connector
High-Performance CPU: This 21.5'' Live Streaming PC Machine is equipped with an i7-9700 CPU, ensuring seamless and efficient performance for users, such as a professional streamer, who requires a stable and fast processing speed. High-Quality Display: The industrial monitor boasts a 16:9 aspect...
TikTok, like all social media, is a place where slang, acronyms, and spicy memes live their best (and worst) lives, popping up in videos, in comments, and as hashtags. Even if all you’re doing is browsing TikTok for the most highbrow of cat videos (sure you are), it’s nearly im...
without opening a wound of abuse and humiliation. as the web expanded, the masks came to audiovisual life—and the pain only deepened. in the early 2010s, sweet brown and charles ramsey offered live-witness accounts of real-life horrors on the nightly news, only to have their words refash...
You can join the live streams 24/7. Another feature in this is that this mod version has removed the TikTok ads. In this, you can comment for more than 90 characters of all the videos. In addition to this, it also displays the user’s region, age, and video upload, count. ...