1. Join the TikTok Creator Rewards Program Previously known as the TikTok Creator Fund, the network created theCreator Rewards Program, an improved rewards feature for creators to monetize content. To sign up for the program, you must have the following requirements: Must be 18 years of age or...
(一) 手机号注册 打开手机tiktok软件/电脑tiktok官网→点击signup(注册)→点击手机号注册→填写好自己的生日→输入手机号→完成滑块验证→输入收到的验证码→设置账号密码→输入用户名→点击注册→登陆账号 图文详细步骤: 1. 打开tiktok软件 2. 点击“我”选项卡 3. 点击“登录/注册” 4. 选择生日(需要大于...
第一步:进入后台,点击三个点,点击TikTok Creator Fund 页面,查看是否符合条件,如果三点都符合,在开通条件前大购,即可开通。 点击步骤:creactor》tiktok creactor fund》Apply》verify 如下图所示: 第二步:开通creator(如未开通需开通) 具体方法如下所示,点击三天杠,点creator tools ,点join 加入即可 开通成功后就...
This post explains how the Creator Rewards program works, and how eligible participants can sign up to earn money through their content. What is the TikTok Creator Rewards Program? After feedback from the Creator Fund and Creator Next programs, TikTok considered these suggestions for a new and i...
Pros and Cons of the TikTok Creator Fund Does the TikTok Creator Fund or Creativity Program make sense for you? What is the TikTok Creativity Program? The TikTok Creativity Program is the platform’s new creator reward program. Payments are based on the performance of longer videos that meet ...
入局TikTok你必须知道的,最简单的赚钱方式——撸创作者基金Creator Fun 首先我们要知道,创作者基金是什么? 官方为了鼓励更多优质创作者的加入,从2020年8月起,TikTok计划未来三年内将分发20亿美金给优质创作者。 那可能很多人认为10w播放量很难达到,其实不然,我们不能用国内抖音思维去衡量TK,它相当于两年前的抖音,...
beta phaseaccording to TikTok's website,will allow creators to earn up to 20 times more than they did on the Creator Fund. Any users 18 and older with at least 10,000 followers and at least 100,000 video views in the last 30 days are eligible to sign up for the program in the ...
Since 2020, TikTok creators have been able to monetize their content through theCreator Fund, providing a revenue stream for videos that get a lot of views. But for the first time, the short video app is providing a path to financial rewards for another key creative force in TikTok culture...
4. Get TikTok’s Creator Fund payouts 5 tips for getting paid on TikTok How much do TikTokers make in 2022? Can you make money on TikTok? The short answer is: Yes. To make money on TikTok directly you must be 18 years of age or older, have more than 10,000 followers, and have ...
Sean Kim, a former TikTok executive, said the company's $2 billion creator fund was not launched with the goal of helping creators monetize.