1.进入BC网址:https://business.tiktok.com/,右上方点击Sign up开始注册。 2.输入邮箱账号,设定BC密码,点击Sign up开始注册 3.接收并输入邮箱验证码 4.转跳页面下一步,身份选择,点击选择“广告主”: 5.开始按要求填写信息(不需要真实信息) 注意事项,币种选择USD、支付方式默认为人工付款(后续可改为自动续费)...
1、使用邮箱注册成为Tiktok for Business用户。 注册链接:https://business.tiktok.com/ 或 https://ads.tiktok.com/i18n/signup 注:如跳转到如下页面,不需要去填写。 请再次打开链接https://business.tiktok.com/ 或https://business.tiktok.com/select进入BC创建流程。 2、注册成为Tiktok for Business用户后,可...
https://ads.tiktok.com/i18n/login/ 2.进入页面后点击页面右上角“Sign up now” 3.填入您的邮箱、密码,勾选方框,点击“Sign up” 4.进行人机验证,选择两个形状相同的对象,点击“确认Confirm” 5.邮箱收到的验证码即可完成TikTok for Business个人账号的注册 6.登录TikTok for Business个人账号后,填写各项信...
Sign in or create a new TikTok account. Authorize WooCommerce to connect with TikTok for Business. Connect your existing Business Center account. Install the pixel and activate Advanced Matching for maximized performance (or connect an existing one). ...
TikTok Business Center 账户创建 另一方面,如果您已经拥有 TikTok Business Center 帐户,则您需要执行以下操作: 步骤1.在 TikTok Business Center 仪表板中,转到广告主帐户。然后,点击“请求访问权限”连接到您当前的 TikTok 广告帐户。 广告账户请求访问权限 ...
TikTok for Business makes it very straightforward to apply coupon deals with their dedicated promotional landing pages. In most cases, you simply have to visit the dedicated landing pages of the offer and sign up for your business account from that page. ...
1. Create a TikTok business account Sign up for TikTok (if you haven’t already) and switch your personal account to a business account. To convert TikTok accounts, follow the following steps in your browser: 1. Access the “Business account” tab in your TikTok settings. Toggle the “Busi...
Is TikTok For Business free? It’s free to sign up to TikTok For Business, but you’ll need to pay to work with content creators or run ads on the platform. Can TikTok help small businesses? TikTok can do wonders for small businesses. There are several small business success stories on...
2. Sign up for TikTok Shop Next, fill out the application form on theseller registration portal. Make sure you upload all the required documents, such as your ID, proof of residency, and proof of business ownership. 3. Wait for approval ...
Connect SHOPLINE with your TikTok For Business assets: Business Center, TikTok Ad Account, TikTok Pixel, and Catalog. 2. View integrated account details Account After setting up the account integration, details of the connected TikTok account, including asset IDs, will appear on[Channel Integrat...