In-Feed Ads Image Ads Carousel Ads Video Ads Top View Ads Spark Ads Brand Takeover Branded Hashtag Challenge Branded Effects 此外,TikTok为三个不同的展示位置(TikTok、Global Bundle和Pangle)提供了不同的规格,本部分主要关注TikTok内的规格。广告组成:视频创意+广告显示图像+品牌或应用程序名称(logo)+...
PNG1024x1024 Save Edit Vector No Ads here 🤗 Instead, you can give us aShare on Twitter. × Ionicons Filled Interface IconsSVG Vectors Logo TiktokSVG Vector is a part ofIonicons Filled Interface Iconsvector collection. Following vectors are from the same pack as this vector also checkout al...
Maîtrisez l’art de la publicité sur TikTok, y compris comment créer votre première campagne TikTok Ads grâce aux conseils de marques accomplies.
(2) Brand Takeover Ads 品牌开屏广告就是在Tiktok用户打开Tiktok app的时候,会直接展示推送给用户,比较适合做品牌曝光,比如Too Face的这个推广唇彩的广告。 (3) Top View Ads 置顶视频浏览广告这个和上面的开屏广告类似,只不过不是一开屏就给用户推,而是等用户开始正常刷信息流的视频之后才开始推,比如下面巴黎世家...
They started the #MBStarChallenge to encourage users to create their own Mercedes Benz logo. The hashtag helped to create brand awareness for Gen Z and millennials. 5. TikTok Branded Effects ads TikTok branded effects allow businesses to design an ad with their own custom filter on the app....
1. 在Ads Manager看数据 通过TikTok的广告后台可以看到你的广告状态和效果。 广告和活动的当前状态 所有广告的CPM、CPC、CPA、CTR、转换率以及更多指标 当前的广告支出 跟其他社交软件一样,也可以通过一次点击导出结果,方便分析数据。 2)在广告系列页面上获得更多数据 跟Facebook广告的后台类似,TikTok的广告后台也...
Now that you've found a great TikTok Video, changing the colors, fonts and layout takes just a few clicks. You can move the logo icon, elements, and text. Adjusting the layout of the TikTok Video template is simple. You can add individuality by adding gradient colors, more shapes, or ...
赞助商图标:PNG 格式,高度固定为 40 像素,长度在 40 到 96 像素之间,图片大小在 200K 以内。 文案:不超过 30 个英文字符,形式为“赞助商:[品牌名称]”或“[品牌名称]”。不可使用表情符号、特殊符号和话题符号。TikTok 广告(TikTok Ads) TikTok
Er zijn twee manieren om campagnes voor je bedrijf te creëren in de TikTok Ads Manager: een vereenvoudigde versie en een aangepaste versie. De aangepaste versie is ontworpen voor grote bedrijven en heeft meer opties, zoals het maken van een advertentiegroep of het gebruik van een bied...
In this blog post, we will delve into themost recent TikTok ads trendsand how businesses can capitalize on them. We will also examine how marketing automation tools, such asLeadsBridge, can empower businesses to streamline lead generation management on TikTok, facilitating the process of engaging ...