Take a break from the activity that caused your muscles to become tight. Massage the area with ice or hot packs (no more than 15 minutes of either action). Stretch your hamstrings by lying on your back, bending one knee, and placing a towel or strap around it. Lift up till you feel ...
A seated bent knee hug is an excellent stretch for the gluteus maximus muscle. For this stretch, you are going to start by crossing one leg over the other. You are going to wrap your arms around the knee as much as possible. And then bring that knee as close as you can to the ches...
s kinetic chain. With the reduced range of motion, the center of mass may become imbalanced and the ankles may for example compensate resulting in leg deformation andheel pain. Tightness below your knee joint is called proximal muscle tightness. It often leads to pain in this area likeshin ...