a2-64a+1024 = 1032Adding 1024 has completed the left hand side into a perfect square : a2-64a+1024 = (a-32) • (a-32) = (a-32)2 Things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another. Since a2-64a+1024 = 1032 and a2-64a+1024 = (a-32)2 then, according...
c +关注 蜕变_tigertang2 2020-9-28 09:44 来自微博weibo.com 说得好。鼓掌!→_→[广告] @极品娱探长 #羊的毛能有多治愈#可爱逼真的手工羊毛毡小动物系列。🐰🦊🐼ins:derevschikova 1021 1032 ñ3256 2020-9-28 09:34 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 c ...