I enjoyed this collection. It took me back to my youth, and also exposed me to some stories with which I was unfamiliar. I do believe the title could have been better worded because to call these the best in the world and then to make them almost entirely from northern Europe could be...
was killed. Wani’s death triggered a wave of outrage leading to violence. The death toll crept into tens of people. The violence mostly consisted of rock-throwing by young men directed at military, paramilitary, and police forces, and the response of those units involving lethal and less-tha...
one day perhaps he'll walk across the field to the place where they left Earl's ashes, between Maude and Miles, in the shade of a bush and near a big red rock. He'll have to find the spot from memory because there is no headstone, even a decade after the funeral. Maybe ...
I can't say how 9 that is.” Mariko is 10 for her martial arts (武术) training, and she 11 the performance to her quick thinking. “ My Tae Kwan Do prepared me to learn how to 12 ,” Mariko said. “ I did it twice. I did it this way. But my fi...
It must also be remembered thatasana(postures) are only a part of yoga. Another aspect that can be extremely helpful for martial arts ispranayama, or the discipline of breathing. There’s no substitute for cardio, but that doesn’t mean that one can’t benefit greatly from learning more ab...