vi tiger ausf. h1 tiger ausf. h1 tiger h1 虎式h1 虎式坦克h1型 概述 评价(2) 历史 讨论 您的评论和讨论是作者和搬运者的动力! 喜欢在正文右下角点赞支持一下吧! 具有强大直射火力、高度越野机动性和坚强装甲防护力的履带式或轮式装甲战斗车辆。 感谢作者:AviatoR_76 原帖:https://live.warthunder....
I’m assuming the engines are still inside? kinda looked that way in the booklet but those could just have been pulleys for something else like the fans etc , again thank you for the cool site,i enjoyed reading it. Leave a Reply
The machine featured is likely to be one of the very early machines H1 to H4 as no others had been manufactured by the date of the publication. Within the magazine are other promotional images and photographs. In “Motorcycling” also of the 28th February 1957 is another excellent article ...
Used until the end of the war, it was fantastic in regards to its front armour, but had weaker armour on its sides and back. This Tiger, often referred to as the "furry Tiger," is a Tiger H1 with a special orange, white and black Tiger stripe camouflage. It is considered a premium...
感谢作者:GODOFBLACKFIELD 原帖: 下载链接: #tiger_e...
Lastly, the Gr.Patr 39 H1 and Gr.Patr 39/43 H1 hollow charge rounds were available, which had a range of around 3 km.When using the standard AP round, the gun could penetrate 182 mm of armor sloped at 30° at a range of 500 m. At 1,000 m this dropped to 167 mm, and at 2...