But I guess bad calls are part of baseball. Congrats to the Twins on an amazing end-of-season run. BaseballinDC October 7, 2009 at 9:11 am Billfer, Thanks so much for hosting another great season! Agree that McClendon is gone – the Tigers simply didn’t score runs this year, ...
out of 3 games in their weekend series meaning that the Tigers lead is down to a slim 1.5 games. It was a crappy weekend for Detroit baseball. They got swept, they didn’t score, and they lost a relief pitcher for who knows how long. But I’ll find some good news in here ...
Joe DiMaggio’s box score for the New York Yankees’ game on May 15, 1941, was nothing special:1-for-4, 1 RBI. But that lone hit was the beginning of one of baseball’s most revered records, a 56-game hitting streak that stands today. Pete Rose came the closest to DiMaggio’s ...
Joe DiMaggio’s box score for the New York Yankees’ game on May 15, 1941, was nothing special: 1-for-4, 1 RBI. But that lone hit was the beginning of one of baseball’s most revered records, a 56-game hitting streak that stands today. Pete Rose came the closest to DiMaggio’s...
“I hate baseball.” Game 151: Porcello v. Nolasco. TWINS 4, Tigers 3.Up 1, down 2. Walk-off loss. NICE PLAYS: CF Santana-2B Dozier, PORCELLO, 3B KELLY-KINSLER-CABRERA, ROMINE-KINSLER, HOLADAY-KINSLER, LF J. MARTINEZ MISPLAYS: CF DAVIS, CF CARRERA ...