Just a note, in the part re Tank 131 you have the word “TOO” not “TO”. 🙂 Reply Benjamin Furysays: February 28, 2022 at 20:56 The Tiger 1 is one of my favorite tanks out of all of the German Army. With its KwK 8.8cm gun, it is so devastating of the allied tanks...
most males were AA genotypes while most females were AG genotypes. However, for family 4 there was a high proportion of AG male offspring (30/74) and high proportion of GG female offspring (26/74). In this instance the male parent had marker genotype AG (but sex locus genotype ZZ) such...
98% identity), followed byPmAP-2β fromIxodesspecies (acc. NO.GEFM01002526.1 and XP_002412040.1, 81.1% identity) and fromAnophelesspecies (acc. NO. A0A182FRP2 and GGFK01000869.1, 78.2% identity). The phylogenetic trees of AP