Some systems or software prefer the acronym TIF, while others prefer TIFF. Both files have the same capabilities and will work in the same way. What is a JPG File? The JPG file format is a popular option known for its extensive compatibility and smaller file size. Particularly, JPG (or ...
TIFF “tiff"的含义和定义 Acronym tagged image file format 更多 例句与“ tiff " 变形 干 You missed him. man. and the tiff he got into opensubtitles2 Nobody is perfect, Tiff OpenSubtitles This is your girl, Tiff. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 In 2007, Time noted that TIFF had "grown...
TIFF Acronym tagged image file format + 添加翻译 英文- 克罗地亚文 词典中的“TIFF" 目前我们的字典中没有TIFF的翻译,也许你可以添加一个?确保检查自动翻译、翻译记忆库或间接翻译。 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“tiff"翻译成 克罗地亚文 变形 干 You missed him. man. and the tiff he got...
TIFF Acronym tagged image file format + 添加翻译 英文-斯洛文尼亚文字典 TIFF Is it because Tiff dropped it, or because you had to do something for Miss Donnelly? Je Tiff umaknila obtožbo ali si kaj storil za go. Glosbe Research Tiff proper A diminutive of the female given...