Pick any mon in this tier, even some you included in your list and I could argue the same thing. The pivot capabilities of Golem on normal attacks such as HBeam etc are relevant. The general notion barely is here. All of Gyarados, Vaporeon and Hypno are 3hko'd by Persians Slash. G...
In your big list of changes, the only actually bad thing to do was the sleep ban, which got undone; I've come around that Lapras Hypno should not be banned, but also sometimes developing tiers have a skill issue and need a ban while people catch up (see NU, where Golduck/Poliwrath ...
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Alright, I was going to wait until the end of RBYPL to end up posting a tier list with my thoughts, but I had the free time and I really didn't want to wait and wanted to get some discussion going on the forums since stuff passes by so quickly on Discord and it's been awhile...
It is based on efficiency, yet the style of run the list is tiering, which is a using a team of 4-6 pokemon around the level of the current gym leader is inherently inefficient to begin with. Really, the best pokemon is the pokemon that is used to solo the game in speedruns. That...
Considering this is a project that's still being worked on that just slipped down the list I figure bumping this should be fine. (I asked NixHex too and he's still going to do it for what it's worth) Anyway, submitting Spearow for Mid. Availability: Found very early on at Route 46...
Look at that VR and tell me a Pokemon Golem checks on that list without paralysis. Having issues? Not a shocker. Golem mandates extensive paralysis support which while possible to pull off, is nowhere near as easy as in RBY OU. Dugtrio has been considered the UU's resident Ground-type ...
we'd be making a tiering list NOT for a true efficient in-game run, but more for our own item-banned Nuzlocke-like thing. To make a true tiering system really in line with the "spirit of in-game," it makes a lot more sense to me for all Pokemon to all "have FULL item support...
I support adding Rival battles to match-ups, but I'd rather leave all the elite 4/gym leaders in. So far the tiering of these 5 will probably be: Abra -...