Chapter Rank 25: Spitfire MKVB Vehicle Skin (Epic) Chapter Rank 26: JU88C Vehicle Skin (Epic) Chapter Rank 27: Special Assignment #5 Chapter Rank 28: Ember Weapon Skin Set – Lee-Enfield No. 4 (Epic) Chapter Rank 29: Ember Weapon Skin Set – Bren Gun (Epic) Chapter R...
I used to have the standard skin for peashooter on, because I think he looks so smooth. Around Christmas I got the cool cap for him from Rux, so I put that on. I play split screen and online with my sister frequently I switch teams a lot, but only to help the struggling team, or...
We get Tier 1 badges for them and standard skins can also be used, so why no Tier 1 skin? I understand that epic or legendary skins would be an effort and Vault Weapons seem to be n...","descendants":{"__typename":"MessageConnection","edges":[{"__typename":"MessageEdge","cursor...
Free BSV-M Weapon Skin and Tier skip at Prime Gaming .","kudosSumWeight":8,"postTime":"2023-12-12T18:31:25.251Z","images":{"__typename":"AssociatedImageConnection","edges":[],"totalCount":0,"pageInfo":{"__typename":"PageInfo","hasNextPage":false,"endCursor":null,"hasPreviousPag...
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Re: Gormey's Dirtbag Player Tier List The only “dirtbag” category I would really represent @Gormey is the “runs after getting shot dirtbag”. Even then, it depends which situation I am in, and matchup. I do the opposite of the Brainium but default skin dirtbag trick, I have see...