黑翼之巢BWL开放后,国外wowhead媒体基于Warlog Logs分析,研究了Classic WoW第三阶段中最好的坦克职业,以及如何更好装备和释放技能。Tier List 层级列表 仅在第3阶段的第二周就有近140,000个BWL数据解析,BWL与Molten Core之间最明显的区别是防护圣骑士的表示形式。虽然所有战斗的解析只有0.2%来自圣骑士,但在熔...
WoW Battle for Azeroth DPS Spec Tier list Introduction We present you a Single Target DPS Ranking of all damage-dealing specs available in World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth. The list is based on simulations and may vary from what you see in in-game Raid encounters and Dungeons. To simula...
if they are off-tanking a raid encounter, they are limited in their ability to generate threat. This would not be an issue normally, but Paladins also do not have a taunt. This combo makes them simply non-viable for the majority of raid encounters. Additionally, Paladins are the only tank...
Tier Lists with in-depth analysis for all the aspects of WoW Classic you might be interested in. Check out what are the best DPS, Tank, Healer, leveling classes, and more! Tier Lists for PvE/PvP and Professions included
It is important to note that opinions might vary and that is completely okay, but remember to be respectful when providing feedback as the sole purpose of this tier list is to help the WoW community with their choice of main or alt each season. ...
複本數和 RAID RAID 是防止磁碟故障並限制所需額外儲存容量的常用方法.重建數 TB 的磁碟可能需要幾天才能完成,如果出現更多故障,可能損失資料.RAID 已從單一成為雙重甚至三重同位,以避免此風險. Nutanix 複本數 (RF) 免除了對 RAID 的依賴,對閒置昂貴備用磁碟的需 求以及多重同位運算伴隨的效...
WoW TBC Prepatch Levelling Guide: Draenei and Blood Elves Tips Craig RobinsonMay 20, 2021 TFT Tier List: Set 5 – Patch 11.13 Talha QureshiJuly 6, 2021 Rainbow Six Apocalypse event live through May 4 – 18 Craig RobinsonMay 20, 2021 ...
In WoW Classic Fresh PvE raids, DPS performance plays a crucial role in the success of your group, as players look to optimize their damage output while providing utility and support. The meta in early raid tiers, such as Molten Core and Blackwing Lair, heavily favors certain classes due to...
Classic EraSeason of Discovery (SoD) Here you can find the DPS rankings for World of Warcraft Classic Era. These rankings are based upon in game data recordings from all phases of WoW Classic 1.14 with data captured by warcraftlogs.com. WoW Classic Era B
Related Read:WotLK Phase 4 ICC Tier List - Best DPS, Healer, Tank Ranking for ICC Raid 1 - Fire Mage (S Tier) Another top DPS spec, with high sustained damage, excellent AoE, and good utility. They can also benefit from the armor penetration buff in ICC and can use Combustion to dea...