Throughout WoW's history, Shadow Priests have always been an extremely strong class spec, and that is no different in Cataclysm. Shadow Priests during Cata have a tool for every job, and it is this insane versatility, coupled with their high damage in every scenario, that puts the class on...
Here's one final look at the Mythic+ class tier list before Patch 9.1.5 hits live servers. DISCLAIMER In this post, we look at the tier list for Mythic+ based on the data gathered by The site plots all runs available from the Blizzard API (excluding the Chinese region...
Eles in pvp are starting to feel like fighting an expensive celestial wvw Ele, some nigh invulnerable battering ram. Expand If you face lots of catalysts, especially lighting rod ones who runs 2 2 2 in cata, they get some sick stats increase with the empowerment buff if they can maintai...