#Bikes#Transit#CityPlanning 2024年11月4日 Trufi Smart cities need data, but it’s the people who should drive it. Data should be inclusive. Trufi supports models where underserved voices are solicited,...
mounting - side lock mounting a file struc mounting frame mounting hook mounting list mounting pole mounting shop mounting socket mountingheightaboveth mountingpaperfanface mounts the summit mountyentu moupinense franch mourir mourn their dead mourned each new deat mourner words mournfully mourning cloth...
I switch teams a lot, but only to help the struggling team, or not to be in the same team as my sister, in order not to dominate noob lobbies But don't worry. I won't comment here a lot today and share some of my other dirtbag behavior. It's my birthday today, so I will on...
[CP]50 Die Auflistung ist nicht auf Vollständigkeit überprüft. Gefährte, Haustier oder Spielobjekt? 273B2 Pet-directed-speech/Doggerel (Intonation & Lexik)Hast Du fein gemacht, sehr gut! [CP]Komm, friss es, mein Großer. [CP]Lass es dir schmecken, Großer. [CP]Du hast ...
The multi-tier GW+EDMFT scheme is an ab-initio method for calculating the electronic structure of correlated materials. While the approach is free from ad-hoc parameters, it requires a selection of appropriate energy windows for describing low-energy and
硬體韌體相容性清單 (HFCL) 僅部署在 HPE ProLiant 上的 Nutanix 軟體,是由詳細的硬體韌體相容 性清單 (Hardware Firmware Compatibility List, HFCL) 所管控. HFCL 由 Nutanix 維護並持續更新,載有硬體詳細資訊,包含支援的組 態以及在支援節點內的 HBA 控制器和 SSD/ 硬碟. HFCL 也指定每...
The list of platforms of a mobile device depends on the environment and may vary with time as a function of different situations. For example, it may vary based on changes in the availability of infrastructure or changes in the location of the mobile device (home, office, etc.). There ...