Statistical TFT Item Tier List, 13.3. Based on average placement, win rate, top 4 rate, pick rate in Set 13
This comprehensive TFT tier list (2025) provides a snapshot of the game's current meta and can be used to make sure you are picking the strongest champions for your team.
Join over 100,000 people using the app to improve their TFT gameplay! Ads help to pay our server costs Last Updated:a year ago Check out our Tier List of the best Legends to play in Set 13, assembled & updated every patch by Frodan. ...
Items in Team Fight Tactics are extremely important, and can allow a lower starred unit to beat the same unit at a two star level. In some instances, they're even more important than synergy buffs. As a result, we've put together the item tier list below in order to separate out whic...
Teamfight Tactics Tier List Ranking Explanation: S Tier– These are the best TFT champions right now in the current patch, always prioritize them. A Tier– Good TFT champions for your average game, not great but also not terrible. B Tier– These champions should be used situationally, but st...
Download the free MetaTFT in-game App for more features and insights Find Out More... Join over 100,000 people using the app to improve their TFT gameplay! Ads help to pay our server costs Invalid Unit Selected Try going back to the main Unit tier list©...
TFT Trait Tier ListSet 13 Patch 13.3 RankedHyper RollDouble UpTocker's Trials We've analyzed millions of League of Legends Teamfight Tactics games using our proprietary algorithm which uses stats and data such as average placement, top 4 rate, win rate, pick rate, and gold cost, to calculate...
team composition. While it is true that the meta enables items to be a big component of champ strength, it cannot be denied that there are newer comps that are rapidly rising to the top. To help you out a bit, here’s a short tier list of the TFT Team Comps you should watch out ...
TFT champions tier list – set 11 TierTFT Champions SHwei, Irelia, Sett AAnnie, Azir, Galio, Lillia, Lissandra, Nautilus, Rakan, Sylas, Udyr, Wukong, Xayah BAlune, Amumu, Aphelios, Ashe, Bard, Diana, Illaoi, Kaisa, Kayn, Lee Sin, Morgana, Ornn, Syndra, Tahm Kench, Yone ...
TFT_tier_list是一款可轻松制作并分享自己的《英雄联盟:云顶之弈》(Teamfight Tactics)排行榜的平台。它提供了一个易于使用的界面,以卡牌方式呈现所有英雄和物品,并允许用户根据他们的游戏经验和策略对这些英雄进行分类和排序。 该平台还提供了一些有用的功能,比如搜索和筛选,可以帮助用户更快速地找到他们想要的英雄和...