一至三个月成功. 行业的专家面试辅导, 网络面试, 提供多次面试直到成功! 本人在英国的非Tier 2工作签证,像Tier4 Visa,Graduate Route Visa/PSW, All Dependant Visa, Tier 5 Visa,EA 以及Visit visa均可转换为Tier 2 Skilled Worker Visa. Visit Visa必须要返回中国办理签证。 2英国 ...
毕业生签证(Graduate Visa)是指持有Tier 4或其他学生签证并在英国院校获得相关高等学位的留学生,在完成学业后可以申请的一种签证类型。 一般来讲,本科和硕士毕业生可以申请两年有效期签证,博士毕业生可以申请三年有效期签证,没有专业和国籍的限制。但需要注意的是,申请人必须在学签到期前,在英国境内完成该签证的申请。
Step 1 :材料准备好后,申请者需要在英国政府官网http://GOV.UK:https://apply-to-visit-or-stay-in-the-uk.homeoffice.gov.uk/sort/live-in-crown-dependency/graduate_in_uk?uid=b3242b9e-6d4e-4f9e-bf23-9c4901d2c997Graduate Visa页面点击Start now Step 2 :回答基本问题。包括是否会居住在英属领地,...
新行的Tier 4 poilt其实也就比原来多出两个月,并且只集中于四所大学,所以可以当做是信号,但不要过...
毕业生企业家移民签证(Graduate Entrepreneur visa (Tier 1)) 是专门针对受过高等教育且有优秀创业理念和能力的海外毕业生的。无需资金投入,只要有好的创业想法即可申请。 l a graduate who has been officially endorsed as having a genuine and credible business idea ...
The eight-year study limit for post-graduate students will be removed, meaning there will be no time limit on how long post-graduate students can spend on a Student visa in the United Kingdom. Background Through this change, the UK government seeks to create a simplified global visa system...
Partake as a postgraduate doctor or dentist in an acknowledged Foundation Programme in the United Kingdom; or Take up job in the United Kingdom as a sabbatical officer of the student union. In case you are to do a full-time course which is not a Foundation Programme, it is required that...
Only students studying postgraduate levels at HEIs on courses lasting more than 12 months and government sponsored students studying for more than 6 months are permitted to bring dependants with them. Those dependants already in the UK before 4th July 2011 with leave in line are allowed to stay...
UndergraduateorpostgraduatestudiesleadingtoaDoctorateorMasters degreebyresearchinoneofthesubjectslistedinAppendix6,paragraph1oftheImmigrationRules;or 移民条例第一款,附录6中列明的为研究类硕士或博士学位做准备的本科或研究生学习;或 Undergraduateorpostgraduatestudiesleadingtoataught Mastersdegreeinoneofthesubjectslisted...
under Tier 4; or as a student under the former Immigration Rules that were in force until 30 March 2009; or as a postgraduate doctor or dentist.You cannot amalgamate 2 or more courses to make up the 6 months' study.Your current location (inside or outside the UK) does not...