xin loi em khong biet tieng trung
Vietnam word list (revised): Stieng 显示算法生成的翻译 具有替代拼写的翻译 Longproper A surname. Originally a nickname for a tall man.[..] +添加翻译 英文- Bulo Stieng 词典中的“Long" 目前我们的字典中没有Long的翻译,也许你可以添加一个?确保检查自动翻译、翻译记忆库或间接翻译。
UVN But Long 210-16 英文字体 预览 简繁转换 下载预览文字为svg矢量图 包含文件 UVNButLong2.ttf 文件大小 73k 版本 0.8 March 2001. Bo Chu Tieng Viet 高速下载 一键登录 本字体由网络搜集或用户上传,仅限学习交流使用,版权归原作者所有,未经版权方许可不得用于商业用途. 如果您是字体版权方并不希望...
UVN But Long 110-16 英文字体 预览 简繁转换 下载预览文字为svg矢量图 包含文件 UVNButLong1.ttf 文件大小 175k 版本 1.0 July 2001. Bo Chu Tieng Viet 高速下载 一键登录 本字体由网络搜集或用户上传,仅限学习交流使用,版权归原作者所有,未经版权方许可不得用于商业用途. 如果您是字体版权方并不希望...
bay to long biet on cua nguoiban ngu noi tieng Anh va nguoi Viet hoc tieng Anh Pragmatics plays a very important role in the process of language teaching and learning because it draws the teacher's attention to the development of the ... H Doan Van - 《Ulis》 被引量: 0发表: 2005年...
WIPO Award for Inventors - Viet Nam 热度: Dia ly lich su Viet Nam 热度: 相关推荐 êncáctỉnh,thànhphốViệtNambằngtiếngTrung DanhsáchcáctỉnhthànhphốViệtNamđượcdịchsangtiếngtrung 峴港市–ThànhphốĐàNẵng 河內市–ThànhphốHàNội 胡志明市...
bay to long biet on cua nguoiban ngu noi tieng Anh va nguoi Viet hoc tieng Anh Pragmatics plays a very important role in the process of language teaching and learning because it draws the teacher's attention to the development of the ... H Doan Van - 《Ulis》 被引量: 0发表: 2005年...
API_SECRET- A secret passphrase that must be at least 12 characters long. MONGODB_COLLECTION(entries) - The Mongo collection where CGM entries are stored. DISPLAY_UNITS(mg/dl) - Options aremg/dlormmol/L(or justmmol). Setting tommol/Lputs the entire server intommol/Lmode by default, no...
UVN But Long 2 0.8 March 2001. Bo Chu Tieng Viet 字体(字体家族名称:UVN But Long 2;字体样式名称:Regular),共346个字符。字符分布范围:基本拉丁文,拉丁文-1补充,拉丁文扩充-A,拉丁文扩充-B,空白修饰字母,希腊文和科普特文,拉丁文扩充增补,一般标点符号,货币符号,似字母
统一字体标识:UVN Hai Long by Tom Truong : 2001 字体全名:UVN Hai Long 版本:1.0 July 2001. Bo Chu Tieng Viet PostScript名称:UVNHaiLong 商标信息:Trademark UVN Hai Long Regular度量参数 每em像素单位:2048上标水平字体大小:654 水平最小值:-340上标垂直字体大小:792 ...