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1) Tiebu Nature Reserve 铁布自然保护区 1. Fishes Amphibians and Reptiles inTiebu Nature Reserve; 铁布自然保护区的鱼类、两栖类和爬行类 2. During 1987 and 1989-1991, we marked 111(♂♂56,♀♀55) Sichuan sika deer (Cervus nippon sichuanicus)fawns(3 - 10 day old) with ear notches inTi...
Review of Tie bu jin yingTie bu jin ying (1978) 9/10 One of the most impressive movies I've seen in my childhood 22 January 2012 This movie with actors from Taiwan, Hongkong and China was one of my favourite movies when I was a little kid. I always liked Asian culture and ...
From 1986 to 2000, the birds in Tiebu Nature Reserve, Sichuan (102°52'~103°08'E, 33°58'~34°11'N) were investigated. There are 141 species belonging to 14 orders, 30 families in which 83 species of Palaearctic birds (58.86%), 40 oriental (28.37%) and 18 epidemic (12.77%); ...
This work investigated microhabitat characteristics at 173 sites from May to September 2011 to improve the understanding of microhabitat utilize relationship between the two species at the Tiebu Nature Reserve. The current study indicated that Sichuan sika deer preferred to hide in...
貼補家用 拼音 tiē bǔ jiā yòng 怎么读 英语 Subsidy for household use 「贴补家用」的意思和解释 辞典修订版解释 以收入弥补家庭的日常费用。《文明小史.第四一回》:「我儿回来也空了好几个月了,总要弄点事情做做。一来有了事做,身体便有了管束,二则也可赚些银钱贴补家用。」 ...
三、看拼音,写四字词语。(6分)háo bù you yùfeng qi xue yaǒucduan si lianzhan ding jietiebu rong zhe
一、读拼音,写词语。pin weitui huatu zhishouhuowa juezaogaohui jindian)zhan ding jie tiebu rong zheng bian【题目】一道难题,求学霸指点,谢谢一、读拼音,写词语。pin weitui huatu zhTshou huowa juezao gaohui jindian Izhan ding jie tiebu rong zheng bian ...
钢铁公司工程部招聘工资收入一般多少钱一个月? 47.6%岗位拿¥8-15K/月,年薪¥10-18W,2023年较2022增长了1%。 按学历统计,大专工资¥16.1K。 按经验,1-3年工资¥9.9K。 就业前景怎么样?市场需求:2024年招聘职位36个,占钢铁公司0.164%。 地区分布主要集中在北京,上海。