I want to replace the value in a cell in something the kids are calling a 'tibble'. In baseR, it was a simple 1 liner for a dataframe: df[column#,row#]=newvalue What's the Tidy version? The stark answer is thatthere really is no good Tidy way to do this very basic, fundamental...
第一列作为行名...#将相关系数矩阵转换为宽格式,行名为环境变量,列名为物种,值为相关系数 rvalue % select(1, 2, 3) %>% pivot_wider(names_from...= "genus", values_from = r) %>% column_to_rownames(var = "env") # 将显著性符号矩阵转换为宽格式,行名为环境变量,列名为物种,值为显著...
equal_c计算每个组中'c'的出现情况,然后当A等于'c'时,我们使用它在'x'和'y'之间交替 ...
Make implicit missing values explicit withcomplete(); make explicit missing values implicit withdrop_na(); replace missing values with next/previous value withfill(), or a known value withreplace_na(). Related work tidyrsupersedesreshape2 (2010-2014) and reshape (2005-2010). Somewhat counterint...
("apple", "banana", "pear") str_detect(x, "e") #统计次数 x <- c("apple", "banana", "pear") str_count(x, "a") #替换 x <- c("apple", "pear", "banana") str_replace(x, "[aeiou]", "-") str_replace_all(x, "[aeiou]", "-") #分割 sentences %>% head(5) %>%...
res<-sampledata|>mutate(# 选择以Intra或Inter结尾的所有列across(ends_with(c("Intra","Inter")),# 使用case_when函数判断列名是否以Intra结尾~case_when(str_ends(cur_column(),"Intra")# 如果是,计算每一列与对应的Inter列的比例~.x/(.x+get(str_replace(cur_column(),"Intra","Inter"))),# 如...
The main functions in tidyr are designed to help you reshape data into a tidy format. Tidy data has a specific structure where each variable is a column and each observation is a row, which makes it easier to work with data in R and other tools....
rownames_to_column(): 行名转列,个人感觉非常有用,不喜欢导入数据时第一列被自动转换成列名 rowid_to_column(): 行号转列 column_to_rownames(): 列转列名 has_rownames(): 判断是否有列名 remove_rownames(): 移除列名 > mtcars %>% has_rownames()[1] TRUE ...
In addition, we divide the mobility values in percentage by 100 to obtain the fraction, since ggplot2 allows us to indicate the unit of percentage in the label argument (see last plot in this section). # create subset it <- filter(google_mobility, country_region == "Italy", is.na(sub...