Make implicit missing values explicit withcomplete(); make explicit missing values implicit withdrop_na(); replace missing values with next/previous value withfill(), or a known value withreplace_na(). Related work tidyrsupersedesreshape2 (2010-2014) and reshape (2005-2010). Somewhat counterint...
summarise(flights_n = n(), air_time_mean = mean(air_time, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% ungroup() 3. Randomly Shuffle the data Suppose you want to randomly slice the data with 15 rows, can execute the same basis below command. flights %>% slice_sample(n = 15) Using prop command also yo...
Brings transcriptomics to the tidyverse! The code is released under the version 3 of the GNU General Public License. website: Please have a look also to tidySummarizedExperiment for bulk data tidy representation tidySingleCellExperiment for single-cell data tidy repre...
pivot_longer(data, cols, names_to, values_to,values_drop_na, …) • data: 要重塑的数据框 • cols: 用选择列语法选择要变形的列 • names_to: 为存放变形列的列名中的“值”,指定新列名 • values_to: 为存放变形列中的“值”,指定新列名 • values_drop_na: 是否忽略变形列中的NA 比...
3733. 3 Gentoo NA 47.5 15.0 217. 5076. # … with 2 more variables: sex <dbl>, year <dbl>plotnine The plotnine package, created by Hassan Kibirige, lets you use a grammar of graphics for Python. You can use siuba and plotnine together, similar to how you would use dplyr and ggplot...
Tip: if you'd like to know more about the use of the pipe operator in R, you can check out this tutorial. Do the same after dropping observations that have missing values. Here's a hint: you can concatenate pipes! # Summarize titanic after dropping na passengers %>% drop_na() %>%...
用tidyr 包中的pivot_longer() 函数来实现宽表变长表,其基本格式为: pivot_longer(data, cols, names_to, values_to, values_drop_na, ...)data: 要重塑的数据框 cols: 用选择列语法选择要变形的列 names_to: 为存放变形列的列名中的’’值’’,指定新列名 values_to: 为存放变形列中的’’值’’...
0投票 这可以通过 tidyr::names_pattern() 和一些正则表达式来完成: library(tibble) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) x <- tibble::tribble( ~kpu_operating, ~kpu_procedure, ~sf_operating, ~sf_procedure, 3L, 2L, 572L, 120L, 3L, 1L, 440L, 121L, 6L, NA, 535L, 122L, 3L, NA, 542...
names_to: 为存放变形列的列名中的’’值’’,指定新列名 values_to: 为存放变形列中的’’值’’,指定新列名 values_drop_na: 是否忽略变形列中的NA 若变形列的列名除了’’值’’外,还包含前缀、变量名+ 分隔符、正则表达式分组捕获模式,则可以借助参数names_prefix, names_sep, names_pattern 来提取出‘...
Tip: if you'd like to know more about the use of the pipe operator in R, you can check out this tutorial. Do the same after dropping observations that have missing values. Here's a hint: you can concatenate pipes! # Summarize titanic after dropping na passengers %>% drop_na() %>%...