2018年1月,经媒体报道后,数以百万的电视观众第一次知道了“Tide pod challenge”,各大社交媒体上,视频里的青少年,拿相机录下自己吃 Tide Pod 的过程,有些甚至用煎锅烹饪以后再放进嘴里咀嚼,吐出肥皂……2012年美国清洁市场龙头老大汰渍推出这款颜色鲜亮、可爱小巧的洗衣球 Tide Pods,结果引发了许多儿童误食...
Tide Pod challenge: What is it? Manufacturers have been concerned about toddlers mistakenly ingesting Tide detergent pods, but now teens are eating them as part of a YouTube challenge. Here’s a look at the trending challenge and why it’s so dangerous. As the #TidePodChallenge spreads like...
Well, here’s a sentence I never thought I’d have to write: YouTube has released a statement in response to a viral trend in which people are posting videos of themselves purposely ingesting laundry detergent. The so-called “Tide Pod challenge,” which reportedly began as a joke, has ...
The Ice Bucket challenge did a lot to raise awareness about ALS. Last year’s Tide Pod challenge led a lot of people to the emergency room and now the current “Bird Box Challenge,” is poised to do the same. Finally, YouTube has decided to do something about it by announcing that ...
YouTube is taking down videos of people eating Tide podsJacob Shamsian
YouTube is trying to shut down the latest viral internet challenge, you know, the one where actual humans eat (or pretend to eat) Tide Pods, which are quite literally pods filled with Tide laundry detergent. The discussion on consuming Tide Pods started on Twitter in December, transforming ...
The USPCSC released an official statement —“Please don’t eat laundry pods.” Maybe try a challengethat raises money for charities, not calls to poison control centers. Editors’ Recommendations YouTube gets parental code feature on TV to protect kids ...
dictates that this is something fun. Videos of people taking this challenge, in which they filmed themselves trying to eat these pods, appeared on YouTube, eventually going viral and prompting the staff of the company to lay down the ax on these kinds of videos. Did YouTube do the right ...