The Aegis system came under intense scrutiny when the USSVincennes, a Ticonderoga-class cruiser, shot downIran Air flight 655, killing all 290 people onboard, on July 3, 1988. The ship’s crew had incorrectly identified the plane as a fighter jet. A U.S. Navy report on July 28—release...
The Ticonderoga class, similarly to the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers, is equipped with the Aegis Combat System, which integrates the ship’s electronic sensors and weapons systems to engage anti-ship missile threats. “Two four-cell launchers for the Boeing Harpoon surface-to-surfa...
The Ticonderoga Class were originally developed as a modified Spruance Class. However the US Navy reclassified the ship as a Guided Missile Cruiser when the Aegis System was designed into the ship. There have been 28 of these vessels built from the 1970s through the early 1990s. ...
Ticonderoga-class cruisers were the first surface combatant ships outfitted with the air-defense Aegis Weapon System.