Ticket to Ride: Europe– Amazon$49.99– Affiliate Link Ploypailin Pdungsiriset @Ploypailin_Pdung Dec 8, 2024 Ticket to Ride Europe เกมต่อรถไฟยุโรป Add a Tag Add a Link Add LinkAdd Version LinkRepresentative Image...
Reimplemented by:Ticket to Ride:… Rank: Overall173 Family32 7.5 Ticket to Ride: Europe(2005) Build train routes across Europe in this sequel to the hit family board game. 80K Ratings&11K Comments·GeekBuddy Analysis Game Information Number of Players ...
用超低折扣購買Ticket to Ride Board Game。製造商出廠優惠價,品質包您滿意。我們還有Adult Board Games, Candy Land Board Game, Cash Flow Board Game, Catan Board Game, Jeux d'échecs,以及更多商品。
- Ticket to Ride™’s European Expansion – includes the Europe map, two additional characters, two additional trains and two additional carriages - Cluedo Base Game – follow your suspects through the iconic Tudor Mansion, unlocking their motives and alibis in Cluedo! - The...
HK$450.00 存貨狀況: 現貨(In Stock) BGG 平均分數: 7.60 Image: List price:HK$480.00 Price:HK$450.00 Weight:3.5 lb URL: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/14996/ticket-ride-europe Pre-ordered item: 0 Catalog: 新到貨物(New Arrival) ...
- Ticket to Ride Base Game — the fan-favourite train-adventure game that started it all! - The European Expansion — includes the Europe map, two additional characters, two additional trains and two additional carriages Esta descrição foi fornecida pela editora. ...
收录于文集 BGA桌游中文规则书 · 153篇BGA 桌游规则 规则书 铁路环游 Ticket to Ride 游戏 桌游 桌游教学 车票之旅 boardgame 分享至 投诉或建议评论 赞与转发目录 0 0 0 0 0 回到旧版 顶部登录哔哩哔哩,高清视频免费看! 更多登录后权益等你解锁...
- Ticket to Ride™’s European Expansion – includes the Europe map, two additional characters, two additional trains and two additional carriages - Cluedo Base Game – follow your suspects through the iconic Tudor Mansion, unlocking their motives and alibis in Cluedo! - The ...
TicketToRideEurope : 一個歐洲地圖版 240個有顏色的塑膠制火車車廂(分別有藍紅綠黃黑各45個) 15個塑膠火車站 158張各類型的卡片(110張火車卡+46張路線卡+1張歐洲急速獎勵卡+1張簡介卡) 5個木制記分記號 1本規則書 : 將歐洲地圖版放在桌子的正中央,每個玩家選好一種顏色拿好45個火車車廂+3個火 ...
Ticket to Ride Europe takes you on a new train adventure through the great cities of turn-of-the-century Europe. Discover new rules like Tunnels, Ferries and Stations in this new map, our most popular add-on for Ticket to Ride!