USA 1910 Ticket Pack requires the Ticket to Ride base game, sold separately.INCLUDES:Europa 1912 Ticket PackUSA 1910 Ticket PackYour railway empire is history in the making! Platform: PS4 Release: 20/7/2024 Publisher: MARMALADE GAME STUDIO LIMITED Genres: Family, Strategy Download of this ...
Travel through the history of Europe and America with the 1910 & 1912 Ticket Pack Bundle! Each Ticket Pack contains three additional game modes and a host of new Tickets to add to your base decks. Make your journey one for the ages! Europa 1912 Ticket
USA 1910 Ticket Pack requires the Ticket to Ride Base Game, sold separately. INCLUDES: Europa 1912 Ticket Pack USA 1910 Ticket Pack Your railway empire is history in the making!إظهار المزيد منشور بواسطة Marmalade Game Studio Ltd....
Expand your Ticket to Ride experience with 3 new Game variants and a whole new deck of Destinations tickets! Includes 35 new Destination Tickets and a new GlobeTrotter bonus card for completing the most tickets. There are three new ways to play: • the 1910 variant, using only the new ...
Ticket to Ride®: India Expansion 2024 年 6 月 27 日 Make memories in the magnificent land of India! Connect cities in multiple ways to earn the Mandala Bonus. -40% ¥ 18.00 ¥ 10.80 Ticket to Ride®: USA 1910 Ticket Pack 2024 年 5 月 30 日 Become an American legend!
Expand your base game with 3 new Game variants and a whole new deck of Destinations tickets! Includes 35 new Destination Tickets and a new GlobeTrotter bonus card for completing the most tickets. There are three new ways to play: the 1910 variant, using
About Ticket to Ride - Round the World Ticket About this DLC To build the ultimate railway empire, you need Ticket to Ride’s Round the World Ticket! Access three currently released expansions and their bonus content Ticket Packs, plus seven future expansions upon launch!
Ticket to Ride: USA - 1910 ExpansionAlan R. Moon
“With these two Ticket Packs on the way, players can look forward to even more ways to play their favourite digital board game,”said Georgina Venman, Ticket to Ride Producer at Marmalade Game Studio.“Plus, we’re adding the much-requested Pass & Play mode that has become...