FINALLY BOT GOT VERIFIED THANKS TO YOU ALL I AM VERY HAPPY TODAY ViewAdd BotUpvote Engagerly 1 MultipurposeEconomy Infuse your Discord server with excitement through a unique reward system and interactive tasks that bring your community to life. ...
售票机器人 星星(请) 如何使用? 下载repo,创建一个.env文件,并将您的token添加到其中。 您需要将 guildOnly 更改为您的公会 ID 或简单地删除此行。 支持 要求 节点12.x+ axios npm discord.js npm gcommands v4 npm npm i discord.js axios gcommands...
discord-tickets/bot Star1.1k The most popular open-source and self-hosted ticket management bot for Discord - a free alternative to the premium and white-label plans of other popular ticketing bots. botdiscordticketsdiscord-botdiscord-jsticket-managementticket-systemdiscord-botsticket-botdiscord-ticket...
Ticket AIis a Discord bot that simplifies and enhances customer support on Discord servers. This innovative tool incorporates an AI-powered ticketing system to streamline ticket creation and responses. Here's a closer look at its key features: AI-Powered Ticketing System:Ticket AI utilizes advanced ...
Do not make a public clone of the bot. Support Have questions or anything related to the bot? Join the Discord server. Versioning Ticketer uses its own versioning system, inspired by semantic versioning. Major releases are for language rewrites (e.g javascript -> typescript) or multiple code...
package to create ticket system marvee •1.1.1•4 years ago•0dependents•ISCpublished version1.1.1,4 years ago0dependentslicensed under $ISC 18 discord-ticket-easy - A module allowing the simple creation of a discord ticket with your client supported by Discord.js^14.0.0 - The easies...
(2 weeks)Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts: Set up the real-time monitoring system and integrate with Discord and Telegram. (2 weeks)Testing and Quality Assurance: Thoroughly test the platform and ensure its functionality, performance, and security. (1 week)Deployment and Launch: Prepare the web...
(2 weeks)Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts: Set up the real-time monitoring system and integrate with Discord and Telegram. (2 weeks)Testing and Quality Assurance: Thoroughly test the platform and ensure its functionality, performance, and security. (1 week)Deployment and Launch: Prepare the web...
nodejsbotopen-sourcetickettypescriptopendiscorddiscord-botpluginstranscriptdiscord-jstranscriptsconfigurablediscord-bot-templateticket-bottypescript-discord-botdiscord-ticket-botopen-tickethtml-transcript UpdatedJan 25, 2025 JavaScript go2ismail/DotnetDesk ... は、チケットカテゴリで9位にランクインし、2月 2025にグローバルでは89546位にランクインしています。ここでmyticket.deに関する詳細な分析と市場シェアを深掘りした情報を入手してください