candoisgohere.Andshe’sshowingmeallthisontheticket.Youcangohereandcontestit.” Gohere.Whattheticketcheckeristellingmeistogotoaspecificgovernmentbuildingcalledacourthouse. Andwhenshesayscontestit…whatshe’stalkingaboutisIcangoandfightit.Icangoandtellthem,lookI didhaveapass.Ileftitinmyapartment.Icangothe...
I ranted. I raged. The cop stayed calm. He almost seemed amused. He finally said, "It won't do you any good to argue with me. If you think my radar is off, you can tell it to the judge. That's why we have court dates. Have a nice day." The ticket was for $105. I reso...
Wilson went to a church down the street and asked the preacher to pray with him. He awoke early the next morning. He knotted his tie carefully and went to the courthouse. The trial finished that afternoon, and the jury came back with "not guilty" on the rape but "guilty...
panting. Couldn't catch his breath. Said people were chasing him and he wanted to die. He claimed there was a Voodoo spell on him. They were after him. They're gonna kill me. They're sticking needles in me. They've tortured me. They've changed me. They've made me what I'm not...