Symbol Company Name Geography Sector Market Cap 4338 Microsoft Hong Kong Technology 25.90T AAPL Apple United States Technology 3.58T 0R2V Apple United Kingdom Technology 3.58T 1AAPL Apple Italy Technology 3.44T APC Apple Germany Technology 3.44T ...
One and the same Ticker symbol in several groups is possible... Category: Utilities / Misc. Utilities Publisher: Felix Griessenbeck, License: Freeware, Price: USD $0.00, File Size: 1.3 MB Platform: Windows Shareware StockTick - Stock Ticker StockTick 2005 is a free stock market ticker and...
Search ticker symbol by security identifier ISIN, CUSIP, or SEDOL. Same as example above but searching for Ericsson B with ISIN number. TickerSymbolSearch tickerSymbol = new TickerSymbolSearch(); List<TickerSymbol> symbols = tickerSymbol.searchByIdentifier("SE0000108656"); Download Download the lat...
$ ticker --config=./.ticker.yamlprint[{"name":"Airbnb, Inc.","symbol":"ABNB","price":164.71,"value":16965.13,"cost":15038,"quantity":103,"weight":53.66651978212161},{"name":"Tesla, Inc.","symbol":"TSLA","price":732.35,"value":14647,"cost":15660,"quantity":20,"weight":46.333480...
What kind of cryptocurrency to be displayed on the ticker (Symbol or Coin ID) In what currency the price should be displayed (EUR, USD, AUD) The refresh interval when to get new data NOTE: The ticker refreshes by default every 30 minutes. Every refresh uses one credit per coin ticker, ...
•Select the information to be displayed in your menubar and inside the menu: the stock's ticker symbol, its current price, its price change for the day and its percentage price change.•Click on the quote to see more information about your stock's trading activity, including the day's...
alpha to sort alphabetically by symbol value to sort by position value user to sort by the order defined in configuration with positions on top then lotsGroupsWatchlists and holdings can be grouped in .ticker.yml under the groups property. While running ticker, press TAB to cycle forward throug...
Its a great plugin to have on home page intranet. It draws content automatically, You dont have to add any extra information except the stock symbol. A great tool for Finance companies or organizations dealing in the stock market. Or for companies who are just looking for the conventional sto...
Includes stock symbol search feature. Top and bottom stock price targets, visual and sound alarms. Integrated with the financial website Displays absolute and stock price percentage change. Has predefined color schemas - light and dark. Shows the latest update time indicator. Has...
United to List on NYSE Under Ticker Symbol UALNEWSEducation