测试结果:228个数据点,平均tick_to_trade延时22.6毫秒 当vn.trader底层的行情接口收到一个新的行情数据推送后,最快差不多只需要百分之二秒的时间就可以完成事件引擎处理,并调用交易接口发出委托。这个速度对于追求微秒级交易延时的超高频策略而言可能无法满足,但对于大部分目标延时在毫秒级以上的常规高频策略应该说是基...
TICK-TO-TRADE延时定义: 从底层API收到一个tick行情推送的tick_time,到平台内部处理完毕再调用底层APi发出委托的trate_time,中间所耗费的时间差。 是在TDAPI中测试Trade_time ,行情进入环境处理完毕,会调用底层的API发送委托,委托发送成功后需要记录当时的时间戳trade_time ,并且返回软件环境中从而实现测了tick_time...
本文探讨了vn.trader的tick-to-trade延时性能,即从行情推送的tick_time到委托发出的trade_time之间的延迟时间。为了测试vn.trader在Windows系统和CTP接口下的表现,我们采取了简化策略,即接收到行情后立即发出委托,以此来衡量平台的处理速度。在C++ API封装中,我们利用Windows的QueryPerformanceCounter和QueryP...
According to Luc Burgun, NovaSparks President, and CEO, “The introduction of the FPGA Tick-to-Trade development platform dramatically accelerates the development of pure FPGA systems. Combining Solarflare ANTS technology and NovaTick now more than ever allows trading firms to focus their FPGA dev...
Tick to trade.(SafeTrade insures Web transactions)(Company Business and Marketing)FURZER, MOLLY
Low latency switches used in HFT Top of rack switches allow multiple servers to share the same exchange connection. Their role is expanding, however, as they now come with internal FPGAs. There seem to be only two competitive product lines, which I’ll describe here. ...
Algo-Logic Systems announces the release of their third generation Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) accelerated CME Group (CME, CBOT, COMEX, and NYMEX) Tick-To-Trade (T2T) System.
Algo-Logic Systems announces the release of their latest Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) accelerated CME Tick-To-Trade (T2T) System. The sub-microsecond trading solution is ideal for latency-sensitive trading firms that need deterministic response t
tick to trade,交易, 股票交易, 证券交易, 股票买卖, 短线交易 关于通过快速买卖股票进行交易的操作,包括短线交易和快速买卖策略等。 tick行情软件:实时掌握金融动态,专业提供精准交易数据。 [股票软件指标公式技术交流] 张云鹤王薇 2024-7-15 相关标签:tick to trade tickmill平台骗局 tick交易策略 tick交易模型...
#2 Tick Charts allow you to fade the Amateurs Small Average Trade Size = Amateur Activity Similarly, looking out for low value bars allows you to identify what the Amateurs are doing. The 2,097 Tick Chart above is exactly the same as the previous chart but with some of the low value ba...