Among these models, MaxEnt is the most suitable model for predicting tick species distribution in Tamil Nadu, India.Our results suggest that MaxEnt is a suitablemodel for predicting the distribution of tick species. Both environmental factors such as LULC, elevation and soil type and bioclimatic ...
Vathsala M,Mohan P,Sacikumar,Ramessh S.Survey of tick species distribution in sheep and goat in Tamil Nadu,India. Small Ruminant Research . 2008Vathsala M, Mohan P, Sacikumar, Ramessh S. Survey of tick species distribution in sheep and goat in Tamil Nadu, India. Small Rumin Res 2008;...
Logozinskaya Tamila 22 10月 2023·已更新照片 Kotikova Alika Сестричка Logozinskaya Tamila·作者 Алика, Turbin Andrey Нупареньутебявсетакинормальнытакой. Logozinskaya Tamila·作者 ...