tickspeed1.0for minecraft1.10.0发布!命令:/tickspeed [frequency] [mode]frequency代表每秒钟tick的数量。原版为20。请输入1到1000之内的数字!为了玩家更好操作,新添了mode这个选项。它决定将改变应用于哪些地方。当输入0时,将tickspeed的更改应用于服务端与所有的客户端。当输入1时,将更改应用于本地的客户端当...
As for changing tick speed in-game, it’ll all use the same command. Follow along below to start tweaking this feature in Minecraft. Singleplayer Open Minecraft and navigate to your desired World from the main menu. Make sure to enable cheats if they aren’t, as it’s required for this...
randomTick..1.8加入的,改变每秒随机刻发生次数,默认是3。可以设置更高,设置为0停止随机刻/gamerule randomTickSpeed #调高可以加速作物生长,树的生长,草地的蔓延,下界传送门生成僵尸猪人
7回复贴,共1页 <返回minecraft吧在服务器作死把randomTickSpeed调到99999 只看楼主收藏回复 热情的画幅画 山中矿道 7 瞬间爆炸,现在服务器开一次崩溃一次,用的spigot端,现在该怎么办 送TA礼物 1楼2019-02-18 21:03回复 玄墨之蝶 无尽黑夜 14 nbtexplorer打开level.dat 直接修改gamerule/randomTickSpeed回3...
4回复贴,共1页 <返回minecraft吧萌新提问:如何用/gamerule randomTickSp 只看楼主收藏回复 永世滑稽 漫天星光 4 萌新提问:如何用/gamerule randomTickSpeed 把时间流逝改为正常,之前改过一次好像太快了 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2020-05-07 14:33回复 ...
Basically, I'm currently working on a Minecraft map. The map has, in its spawn chunks, a lot of redstone and CommandBlocks (hooked up to a 20Hz-clock) and even though that's a lot to compute, 14w27b handled it completely fine. Starting with 14w28a, the tick speed in the game has...
While in a singleplayer world or a server where you are an operator, press F3+2. Run the command/gamerule randomTickSpeed 50000and observe the graph at the bottom right of the screen. Run the command/gamerule randomTickSpeed 3and observe that the game doesn't delay ticks to match the ti...
Minecraft Bedrock Edition TwitterLinkedInFacebookEmail Article 03/15/2024 Caution This class is still in pre-release. Its signature may change or it may be removed in future releases. Extends BlockEvent Contains information regarding a specific block randomly ticking. ...
public double zombieHorseMovementSpeedMin = 0.2D; public double zombieHorseMovementSpeedMax = 0.2D; + public double zombieHorseSpawnChance = 0.0D; private void zombieHorseSettings() { zombieHorseRidableInWater = getBoolean("mobs.zombie_horse.ridable-in-water", zombieHorseRidableInWater); zombieHo...