过去(hours, minutes, seconds, etc.) to passtick away The clock ticks away on the shelf. 时钟在搁板上滴答滴答地响着。 It was so quiet I could hear my wristwatch ticking away. 周围静悄悄的,我能听到自己的手表滴答滴答地响着。tick away Meantime life in the ward ticked away as usual. 在...
This may be a simple question, but after searching for 20 minutes without being successful I thought I may ask it here. When a text gets too long in UILabel and UITextField, the displayed string looks... why my services doen't write in database when calling them from components?
2.126.6 ChartTickMarks.Length 2.126.7 ChartTickMarks.Style 2.126.8 ChartTickMarks.Type 2.127 ChartElementPosition 2.128 ChartThreeDProperties 2.129 ChartValueAxes 2.130 ChartBorderSkin 2.131 ChartCodeParameters 2.132 ChartCodeParameter 2.133 ChartCustomPaletteColors ...
5. to produce a recurrent tapping sound or indicate by such a sound: the clock ticked the minutes away. 6. (when: tr, often foll by off) to mark or check (something, such as a list) with a tick 7. what makes someone tick informal the basic drive or motivation of a person [C13...
This may be a simple question, but after searching for 20 minutes without being successful I thought I may ask it here. When a text gets too long in UILabel and UITextField, the displayed string looks... why my services doen't write in database when calling them from components?
The clock ticked the minutes. to mark with a tick or ticks; check (usually followed byoff); to tick off the items on the memo. verb phrase Slang. to make angry: His mistreatment of the animals really ticked me off. Chiefly British.to scold severely: ...
5. to produce a recurrent tapping sound or indicate by such a sound: the clock ticked the minutes away. 6. (when: tr, often foll by off) to mark or check (something, such as a list) with a tick 7. what makes someone tick informal the basic drive or motivation of a person [C13...
to sound or announce by a tick or ticks:The clock ticked the minutes. to mark with a tick or ticks; check (usually fol. byoff ); to tick off the items on the memo. tick off,[Slang.] to make angry:His mistreatment of the animals really ticked me off. ...
pass (指时间)过去 Meanwhile the minutes kept ticking away. 其时, 时间一分一分地过去. tick sth away (of a clock, etc) mark the passage of time (指钟等)表示时间过去 The station clock ticked away the minutes. 车站的钟显示时间一分一分地过去. tick sb off (infml 口) rebuke or scold sb...
TICK, contracts. Credit; as, if a servant usually buy for the master upon tick, and the servant buy something without the master's order, yet, if the master were trusted by the trader, he is liable. 1 Show. 95; 3 Keb. 625; 10 Mod. 111; 3 Esp. R. 214; 4 Esp. R. 174. ...