数据库访问:例如使用 IndexedDB 进行本地数据库操作。 虽然JavaScript 是单线程的,但由于异步编程模型的存在,它能够有效地处理并发任务,确保应用程序的响应性,同时也需要开发者小心处理异步操作,以避免潜在的问题,例如回调地狱(Callback Hell)或异步并发问题。 同步和异步 JavaScript 中的同步(Synchronous)和异步(Asynchro...
采用数据中tag keys是location和scientist,tag key location的tag values是1和2,tag key scientist的tag values是langstroth和perpetua。tags是可索引的(indexed),可根据tags进行快速查询。tags是可选的,可以不含有tags。 tag set:不同tag键值对的组合,采样数据中有四个tag set: l location = 1, scientist = langs...
采用数据中tag keys是location和scientist,tag key location的tag values是1和2,tag key scientist的tag values是langstroth和perpetua。tags是可索引的(indexed),可根据tags进行快速查询。tags是可选的,可以不含有tags。 tag set:不同tag键值对的组合,采样数据中有四个tag set: l location = 1, scientist = langs...
field:存储数据,键值对,由field keys和field values组成,采样数据中field key是butterflies和honeybees,field values记录数量。field keys是string,field values可为strings,floats,integers或者Booleans。对influxdb每条数据,fields是必有的。fields不可索引,这意味着以field过滤数据时必须扫描measurement所有数据,效率不高。...
8B). Crystals of the TBEVC–IMPα diffracted to 2.05 Å and indexed in P212121. The final structure produced an R/Rfree value of 19.3% and 21.9%, respectively (Table S4 for data collection and refinement statistics). IMPα formed 10 repeating armadillo repeat motifs, with each motif ...
// "TradeBars" object holds many "TradeBar" objects: it is a dictionary indexed by the symbol: // // e.g. data["MSFT"] data["GOOG"] if (!Portfolio.HoldStock) { int quantity = (int)Math.Floor(Portfolio.Cash / data["EURUSD"].Close); ...
There is another hypothetical advanced type called anATLAS, which is the schemaless NoSQL equivalent of a table. Atlases are automatically indexed in such a way that all key-queries are indexed. INTERPROCESS COMMUNICATION Kerf instances are designed to be networked. The data structures serialize dir...
2.1.14 Part 3 Section 3.10.4, config:config-item-map-indexed 2.1.15 Part 3 Section 3.10.5, config:config-item-map-entry 2.1.16 Part 3 Section 3.10.6, config:config-item-map-named 2.1.17 Part 3 Section 3.11, Cursor Position Setting 2.1.18 Part 3 Section 3.13, office:scrip...
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