Lyme disease is the most prevalent vector-borne disease in the Northern Hemisphere. The vector is I. scapularis on the eastern coast of the United States and I. pacificus on the western coast. The main vectors in Europe are I. ricinus, and I. persulcatus in eastern Europe and Asia. The...
Ticks and tick-borne disease in Guatemalan cattle and horses. Vet Parasitol. 2005;131(1-2):119-27.Teglas M, Matern E, Lein S, Foley P, Mahan SM, Foley J: Ticks and tick- borne disease in Guatemalan cattle and horses. Vet Parasitol 2005, 131(1-2):119-127....
Deer tickscan carry Lyme disease, the most commonly diagnosed tick-borne bacterial disease in the United States. It has also become a veterinary problem, believed to cause joint-related problems in animals (dogs and horses, mostly) exposed to the Lyme bacteria. Lyme disease was first reported i...
Diseases affecting sheep and goats are heartwater, anaplasmosis, theileriosis, spirochaetosis and Nairobi sheep disease. Diseases that affect horses, mules and donkeys are piroplasmosis, spirochaetosis and those of pigs are porcine babesiosis and African swine fever. 展开 ...
The first records of babesiosis in cattle (also termed Texas fever or redwater disease) and dogs (also termed malignant jaundice and bilious fever) are from the end of the nineteenth century (reviewed in [3,4,6]). At that time, a classical approach to identifying the etiological agent and...
They seroconvert upon infection but they seem to be much more resistant to the clinical disease than humans. Apart from their use as sentinels in endemic areas, however, an increasing number of case reports appeared during the last decade thus mirroring the rising public health concerns. Owing ...
Ticks are tiny parasites commonly found in wooded or grassy areas. There are many types of ticks that feed on the blood of dogs and other living creatures. Tick bites are dangerous because they can spread illnesses, such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. ...
Ticks and tick-borne disease in Guatemalan cattle and horses Blood samples and ticks were collected from 48 cattle and 74 horses from seven sites in the Peten region of Guatemala. Data on body condition, mucous membr... Mike Teglas and Erin Matern and Sarah Lein and Patrick Foley and Suman...
Howard T. Ricketts identified the wood tick, Dermacentor andersoni, as the vector of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) in 1906 and firmly established the insect vector theory of infectious disease transmission.3 The emergence and recognition of Lyme disease in the early 1970s in the United ...
Vectors of disease at the northern distribution limit of the genus Dermacentor in Eurasia: D. reticulatus and D. silvarum 2020, Experimental and Applied Acarology Show abstract Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus: A Comprehensive Review of Transmission, Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, Clinical Manifestations, Diagno...