New quest: The Order of the Lion Quest, which takes places in Bounac, and isle situated between Thais and Meriana. The quest is centered on the Order of the Lion creatures such as the Lion Knight and its bosses may drop new mid-level (level 220 to 270) items. The quest is the fina...
Finally, onAugust 21, 2020, CipSoft confirmed that the loot removal would be permanent. Loot(Toggle % view) (Load average value) This creature drops no loot. (Loot Statistics) Related Creatures Members of the Order of the Lion Ancient Lion Archer ...
Complete The Order of the Lion Quest. Summer Update 2020 Prince / Princess Charming ✗ Highest score of accumulated charm points on character's world. Summer Update 2020 Jack of all Taints ✗ Highest score for killing Goshnar and his aspects on character's world. Summer Update 2020 Re...
Shovel Rope Rake Pick Obsidian Knife 15,000 gp to get sceptre parts 3 Nails Wood 80 oz of available capacity for the crate in mission 1 Two people in order to complete mission 1 (lever) The New Frontier Quest (full quest not needed - received Mortal Komb
3 You defeated Grand Master Oberon and the remnants of the Order of the Falcon, no matter the odds. Bibliomaniac 468 ✗ 3 You passion for reading was somewhat diminished by biting books and aggressive quills. But this flying specimen proved to be a loyal companion. Never judge a book...
Click to show/hide the quest spoiler.(settings)Contents 1 Legend 2 Location 3 Dangers 4 Reward 5 Required Equipment 6 Method 6.1 Mission 01: Catering the Lion's Den 6.2 Mission 02: First Contact 6.3 Mission 03: The Keeper 6.4 Mission 04: Sacrament of the Snake 6.5 Mission 05: New in...
One Haunch of Boar Five Lion's Mane Overview This quest has 3 separate missions which are independent from each other. The Curse of the Full Moon can only be done during full moon nights which happen from the Server Save of the 12th to the server save of the 15th of each month, when...
Krailos Quest Lamassu Larek Lavafungus Lokathmor Lycanthropes Mazzinor Memory of a Shaper Memory of a Werelion Memory of an Ogre Menacing Carnivor Misguided Shadow Mitmah Mitmah Scout Nibblemaw Odemara Ogre Brute Ogre Rowdy Ogre Ruffian Ogre Savage Ogre Shaman Oiriz Order of the Cobra Pirat...