Tibial spine (eminence) fractures are often referred to as the pediatric equivalent of an adult anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear. They occur predominantly in the pediatric population owing to the relative weakness of their ligaments and incomplete ossification of epiphyseal bone. Historically, thes...
We reviewed 19 adults and 12 children who had been treated for avulsion fractures of the tibial spine. Adult injuries have not previously been reported at length; most were caused by road-traffic accidents, and 68% were associated with other injuries, of which 58% were around the knee. The...
This type of fracture occurs mainly in children and adolescents due to the tibial intercondylar eminence not completed ossifying. It is believed that the tibial spine fractures are correspondent to the more frequent anterior cruciate ligament injury in adults. Treatment depends on the degree of ...
Tibial spine fractures are most likely to be caused by hyperextension or valgus and external rotation of the knee. Traumatic forces that would normally rupture the anterior cruciate ligament in an adult will lead to a tibial spine fracture in a child. The injury almost always involves the anterio...
Gentle stress testing is helpful for assessing the stability of the ligaments and looking for any sign of fracture displacement. Treatment of tibial plateau fractures is governed by the vascularity (local tissue and distal), the condition of the soft tissues, and the presence or absence of ...
spine n. 1.脊柱,脊椎 2.(植物的)刺,(动物的)刺毛 3.书脊 fracture n. 1. [C]折断,断裂,破裂,(尤指)骨折;[U]折断,断裂,破裂,(尤指)骨折 v. 1.[I,T](使某物)折断,破碎 post tibial 【医】 胫骨后的 spine chilling adj. 令人毛骨悚然的 spine cell 【医】 棘细胞 spine chiller n...
Tibial spine fractures are common in the pediatric population because of the biomechanical properties of children's subchondral epiphyseal bone. Most studies in porcine or adult human bone suggest that suture fixation performs better than screw fixation, but these tissues may be poor surrogates for ped...
Adult tibial intercondylar eminence fracture: evaluation with MR imaging Skeletal Radiol, 31 (1) (2002), pp. 46-48 Google Scholar 5 P.D. ponseller, C.L. Stanisti Fraturas e luxações na região do joelho J. Beaty, J. Kasser (Eds.), Rockwood e Wilkins: fraturas em crianças ...
Anterior tibial spine fracture – an easy fracture to miss Fractures of the intercondylar tibial spine are uncommon injuries that occur more frequently in the growing skeleton. They are easy to miss in the triage s... PR Payne - 《Accident & Emergency Nursing》...
(a) The preoperative lateral X-ray shows the tibial spine avulsion fracture; (b) the preoperative sagittal MRI provides a detailed view of the thin and small fracture fragment at the ACL tibial insertion site; (c) in the postoperative lateral X-ray, no internally placed suture anchors were ...