The nerve is quite large at this point before it divides into its terminal branches of the calcaneal, medial, and lateral plantar (Table 8.12). The posterior tibial nerve provides sensory innervation to the sole of the foot and innervates the plantar intrinsic muscles. NERVE LOCATION There are...
Thesural nerveis a cutaneous nerve that arises through the union of a branch from the tibial nerve and a branch from the common peroneal nerve. The sural nerve becomes subcutaneous distal to the middle of the leg and proceeds along with the shortsaphenous veinbehind and below thelateral malleol...
Anomalous superficial peroneal nerve and variant cutaneous innervation of the sural nerve on the dorsum of the foot: a case report Background The superficial peroneal nerve is a branch of common peroneal nerve. There are reports about the variant course and distribution of this nerve. The sural ...
Five volunteers having positive cutaneous plantar reflexes and intact innervation of the anterior tibial participated in the study. Individuals with a positive Babinski reflex were excluded. We applied 10 sessions of TENS currents (20 Hz, 200 milliseconds, tetrapolar), over a period of 5 weeks (2...
Cutaneous innervation Medial three and one-half toes, nail beds and tips (dorsal) 5. Lateral plantar nerve: The lateral plantar nerve (Figure 3.11) is the other terminal branch of the tibial nerve. It arises from below the flexor retinaculum and passes anterior, deep to the abductor hallucis...