Two major types of stress fractures were observed. Thirty athletes sustained a posteriomedial fracture of the tibia and claimed a sudden onset of exertional pain. The initial symptoms occurred during running or orienteering (n= 19), soccer (n= 4), workout or dancing (n= 3), triathlon, ...
Differential Diagnosis Differential diagnosis before radiographs should include stress fractures in active individuals as well as bone contusion. Prognosis Fracture of the proximal third of the shaft has a higher rate of nonunion compared to midshaft fractures. This is in combination due to the deformi...
This suggestion was largely based on a large number of normal MRI studies in patients with chronic symptoms. Longitudinal stress fractures have been described and may account for up to 10% of tibial stress fractures. MRI demonstrates extensive diaphyseal oedema and periostitis, and a fracture ...
AP and lateral radiographs of the proximal part of the tibia and knee usually reveal the fracture. Gentle stress radiographs may be considered when the plain film results appear normal in a patient who has tenderness localized to the physis and instability of the knee is present.201 As no...
Type B: fracture of the fibula at the level of syndesmosis Type C: fracture of the fibula proximal to syndesmosis Clinical Significance Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome Medial tibial stress syndrome, also known as shin splints, presents as generalized, recurrent pain in the lower part of the tib...
His symptoms settled and he was left out of the cast and allowed a graduated rehabilitation programme, avoiding undue stress to the joint. Although the stiffness persisted for some time, he was able to undertake activities of daily living reasonably well and had returned to office work. At ...
What are the symptoms of a broken fibula? How serious is a broken femur? What is the recovery time for appendicitis? How often does femur fracture occur during hip replacement surgery? A broken bone heals through the process of How does a fractured sternum heal? How do clavicle fractures hea...
Stress FractureTibiaTibia DistalBackground: Stress fractures are fatigue-induced, very small cracks in the bone caused by repetitive application of force and most often seen in the weight-bearing bones of the lower extremities of athletes or military recruits. Case Report: A 47-year-old postmenopau...
Aydin ArslanDepartment of OrthopedicsAli UtkanDepartment of OrthopedicsTuba Tulay KocaDepartment of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation临床医学病理报告(英文)Arslan A, Utkan A, Koca TT. Stress fracture of bilateral distal tibia provoked by stair climbing. CRCM 2015;4:337-41....
Introduction In this retrospective case-series study we discuss the clinical and radiographic outcomes obtained following the "tibia-first concept" in the treatment of distal tibia fractures, both in patients with fibular comminution and in cases with a simple fibula fracture. Materials an...