tibia val´gaa bowing of the leg in which the angulation is away from the midline of the body. tibia va´ramedial angulation of the tibia in the metaphyseal region, due to a growth disturbance of the medial aspect of the proximal tibial epiphysis; there are both infantile and adolescent...
In which part of the body is the hyoid bone found? What are sesamoid bones? What bones are present in the pelvis? What bones are present in the foot? What is the total number of bones in the human body? What is a long bone?
tibia为医学专业词,表示小腿中的胫骨,shin为日常用语,表示小腿的前面部分.Lower leg = whole area betwe...
A tibia part of a knee joint prosthesis includes a tibia platform having a distal side, and an anchoring element. The anchoring element is arranged on the distal side of the tibia platform and attached to the tibia platform. In one embodiment, the anchoring element is formed by a shield hav...
1. A tibia part for a knee joint replacement having in its tibial plateau (2) anchor pins (3) for an anchorage in the bone, whereas the surface opposite the plateau (2) is a tibial bearing surface (6), the anchor pins (3) merging into the plateau (2) by way of at least one ...
Influence of body movement on anterior translation of the tibia with constant knee flexion angle 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 33 作者: T Fukui 摘要: Details of the mechanism of anterior cruciate ligament injury are still indefinite. The purpose of this study was examine, by motion analysis,...
leg,one of the paired limbs of an animal used for support of the body and for locomotion. Properly, the human leg is that portion of the extremity between the foot and the thigh. This section of the human leg contains two long bones, the tibia and the fibula. The upper end of the ...
Is the femur part of the appendicular skeleton? Is the pisiform a sesamoid bone? What is a spiral fracture of the tibia? Can a femur bone be replaced? Is the femur the strongest bone in the body? Are phalanges short bones? What is a compound fracture of the tibia and fibula?
Additionally, we tried to obtain a higher discrimination rate by using the biarticular breadth that was accepted as the most valid criterion in previous sex discrimination studies which were directed to the proximal part of the tibia. Right and left tibiae from 55 randomly selected adult Turkish ...
In one specimen, the isotope ratios in bones from different parts of the body indicated a temperature difference of no more than 4 to 5 °C (7 to 9 °F) between the vertebrae of the torso and thetibiaof the lower leg. En unu specimeno, la izotopaj rejŝoj en ostoj de diversaj...