Fanian H, Dehghani M: Anterior knee pain after unreamed intramedullary nailing of the tibia. JRMS 2008, 13(5):260-3.Fanian H, Dehghani M. Anterior knee pain after unreamed intramedullary nailing of the tibia. JRMS. 2008; 13 (5):260–3....
In 26 patients who had undergone a previous mechanical knee arthroplasty, a comparison was made between the two knees in regards to pain and function. Our preliminary results show an advantage for the novel technique regarding patient satisfaction. In conclusion, the "linked soft tissue guided ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现【按需印刷】GOT KNEE PAIN? Where is Your Tibia?的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于【按需印刷】GOT KNEE PAIN? Where is Your Tibia?的信息,请来淘宝深入了解吧!
Pain clinicBackground:The anterior knee compartment is filled by the infrapatellar fat pad (IFP) and has been emphasized as a source of anterior knee pain (AKP). Case presentation:A 51-year-old woman sustained a right tibial plateau and open diaphyseal fracture 2years earlier. She remained...
Savvidis, MParaschou, SKonstandinidis, ABisbinas, IGouvas, GSavvidis M, Paraschou S, Konstandinidis A, Bisbinas I, Gouvas G. F1.3 Anterior knee pain after intramedullary nailing of tibia saft fractures. Injury 2013;44:S7.
Journal of Orthopaedic TraumaKeating JF. Invited commentary : anterior knee pain after intramedullarynailing of the tibia: biomechanical effects of the nail entryzone and anterior cortical bone loss[J]. J Orthop Trauma,2013,27(1 ) :4142. DOI: 10.1097/BOT.0b013e318267fa£f....
Objective: To compare the magnitude of knee pain between the suprapatellar (SP) and infrapatellar (IP) approach for tibial nailing in patients who are more than 1 year after injury.Isaac, MarckenleyO'Toole, Robert V.Udogwu, UgoConnelly, DanielBaker, MitchellLebrun, Christopher T.Manson, ...
A relatively high incidence of anterior knee pain following intermedually nailing after tibial shaft fracture was found in our study.Khan, Shaukat HayatRaza, Muhammad ShahbazAra, IffatWani, RehanMehmmod, KhalidJournal of University Medical & Dental College...
Anterior knee pain following the lateral parapatellar approach for tibia nailingIntramedullary nailing has become the treatment of choice for most tibial diaphyseal fractures2.Tibial nailing is associated with low incidence of non-union, malunion, infection, and compartment syndrome3,4,5.Simarjot S ...
The aim of this study was to compare anterior knee pain and functional outcomes in patients who underwent intramedullary tibial nailing using transpatellar, medial parapatellar or suprapatellar nail entry methods. We retrospectively reviewed patients who underwent tibial fracture repair in our clinic ...