Lionheart 512 ✗ 3 You bested the maleficent duo Drume and Fugue and restored order to the besieged town of Bounac. You conquered the exotic stronghold of the Order of the Cobra and bested the undead knights of the Order of the Falcon. A true knight in heart and mind. ...
Memory of an Ogre Menacing Carnivor Misguided Shadow Mitmah Mitmah Scout Nibblemaw Odemara Ogre Brute Ogre Rowdy Ogre Ruffian Ogre Savage Ogre Shaman Oiriz Order of the Cobra Pirat Mate Razzagorn Shaggy Ogre Bag Sharpclaw Shulgrax Sister Hetai Skeletons Talila Tesha Tezila The First Dragon...
Using the Marked Crate as a disguise you must sneak past the lizard defenses. You will have to pass some doors with Observation Slits in them . Only try to move past these doors when the slit is closed. You will also encounter five Lizard Tunnel Guards, and in order to pass them you ...