2 team tournament on the Isle of Strife and wiped out wave after wave of fearsome opponents. Death or victory - you certainly chose the latter. Wayfarer 63 ✓ 3 Dragon dreams are golden. Waverider 64 ✓ 2 One thing's for sure: You definitely love swimming. Hanging out on the...
Golden Can of Oil Evil Mastermind 675 1,295 Fan Club Membership Card Faceless Bane 14,000 17,000 0-10× Platinum Coin (common) 0-3× Small Sapphire (common) 0-3× Spear (uncommon) Combat Knife (common) Knife (uncommon) Dagger (uncommon) Crowbar (uncommon) Snakebite Rod (uncommon)...
Izsh: I zink I can make a deal wiz ze noblez by zelling zem your property in ze zity. Your prezenze would ruin ze houze prizez zere anyway. ... Izsh: Of courze zat will not zuffize to compenzate zeir grief, zo I guezz you'll have to part wiz zat elite armor, too. Zad...