Embrace of Nature Magic Sulphur Ring of Red Plasma Red Gem Collar of Blue Plasma Magma Boots Ancient Liche Bone Bear Skin Rotten Heart Giant Emerald Giant Sapphire Giant Ruby Countess Sorrow 13,000 6,500 0-179+× Gold Coin 0-4× Platinum Coin Demonic Essence Protection Amulet Worn Leather ...
This boar is like a force of nature, breaking through the undergrowth of all the Tibian forests and all records of speed. Hang on! Personal Nightmare 389 ✗ 3 It might come as a shock to you, but this is the mount of your dreams. Not exactly the white steed of Prince Charming,...
Moreover, the nature of the avocado plantation in Taita Hills transect, being intertwined with the indigenous forest, may have provided refuge for natural enemies and competitors of T. leucotreta, resulting in a reduced population in this transect. For example, the egg parasitoid (Trichogrammato...