Forbidden Fruit, Zzuppliezz and Zze Art of War (Children of the Revolution Quest). The last can be repeated every 6 days and 20 hours instead of 7 days. The interval for some items was also changed from 24 hours to 20 hours: Getting an Obsidian Knife from Uzgod Handing a Tome of ...
If you take the weekly task "Strike" of the Children of the Revolution Quest before taking this mission, you need to complete it first. So only take the daily task "Supplies".To start this mission, you need to complete the daily task of the Children of the Revolution Quest. Go to ...
Shut out the sun rearing its ugly yellow head, shut out the earsplitting laughter of your neighbour's corpulent children. Ahhh. Embrace sweet darkness and silence. Let the Sunshine In 127 ✓ 1 Rise and shine! It's a beautiful new day - open your windows, feel the warm sunlight, ...
To start this mission, you need to complete the daily task of the Children of the Revolution Quest. Go to Zalamon and ask him for a mission. He tells you that you have to go inside the city. From the rebel hideout go out to the gray road and follow it to the southwest. You will...