1) Shiliang Tiaozhi Tang 食凉调脂汤1. Observation on She-national Medicine Shiliang Tiaozhi Tang for Hyperlipidemia; 畲药食凉调脂汤治疗高脂血症临床观察2) Tiaozhi Decoction 调脂汤 1. Tiaozhi Decoction Treat Fat Liver; 调脂汤治疗脂肪肝的疗效观察 2. Clinical Observation on the Treatment ...
Objective: To observe the influence of TiaoZhi Tang on blood lipid and rheology of the patients with coronary heart disease after PCI. Method: One hundred patients were randomly allocated to the observation group and the control group. Both groups received routine treatment of Western Medicine after...
Nonalcoholic fatty liver diseaseNrf2/HO-1 signalingPlant extractBackground: Hedansanqi Tiaozhi Tang extract (HTT) consists of Notoginseng, Danshen, Hawthorn and Lotus leaf from traditional Chinese medicine, which has significant therapeutic effects on hyperlipidemia in patients with non-alcoholic fatty ...
To Tiaozhi Tongmai Tang(调脂通脉汤) Combined Aspirin and Atorvastatin Calcium Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease Unstable Angina Multicenter Randomized Pa... To Tiaozhi Tongmai Tang(调脂通脉汤) Combined Aspirin and Atorvastatin Calcium Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease Unstable Angina Multicenter ...
1) Tiaozhi Jiangtang Tablet 调脂降糖片 1. Intervention Effects ofTiaozhi Jiangtang Tableton Insulin Resistance in Rats with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2; 调脂降糖片对2型糖尿病大鼠胰岛素抵抗的干预作用 2. Clinical Observation on Effect ofTiaozhi Jiangtang Tableton Patients with Diabetes of Blood Stasi...
二、字形。1.看拼音,写字词。tang chiche dǐuyα qī liángtiao tī/)/ uo yiming meiián luozhi nenzhi xing)7tan fanzha lánhuáng kǒngqicnyizhi yuán)))(1)就要被 jiǎo xing()的李大钊依旧如 tai shan()般稳坐在狱中,他内心 háo bu weiju(。为了革命 xi sheng(),他认为值得。他被 ...
四、古诗词阅读(共6分)yong liǔ咏柳tang he zhi zhang【唐】贺知章biyùzhuangcheng yi shùgao wan tiao chui xidàlǜsi tao碧玉①妆②成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。bùzhi xi.ye shui cai chu er yue chun feng si jidǎndao不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似③剪刀。【注释】①碧玉:碧绿色的玉。这里指...
夕峰褪日半钲多,秋汉吹云一絮过。寂寂庭松今两月,鹤雏去尽只留窠。 翻译赏析 繁体原文 䪨律对照 注音对照 收藏 做笔记 🐒🔈 译文:夕阳西下,天边的日落已经过去一半,夜晚的钟声此起彼伏。秋风吹动着云朵,宛如一片片的棉絮飘过。庭院里的松树静静地矗立,已经经历了整整两个月的时光。那些小鹤雏鸟...
黄耆八钱党参三钱甘草二钱 白朮二钱 当归二饿白芍二钱川芎一钱红花三钱 附子一钱制良姜五分官桂五分去粗皮 水煎服。 此方指痘六、七天后泄泻而言。痘后抽风兼泄泻者,亦效。不是初出痘泄泻之方。 【方歌】 止泻调中参草耆,朮归芍药芎红随, 附子良姜桂少用,气虚泄泻总相宜。
赏析:这首诗是黄庭坚的《题崇德君所画雀竹蜩螗图赞》,通过描写竹林中的生动景象,表现了诗人对自然界生灵的赞美和对竞争斗争的思考。诗中的画面生动,富有情感。 首先,诗人以蒿下为背景,描绘了竹林中雀鸟、蝉蜕、螳螂的生活场景。这些生灵在竹林中争夺食物、争雄斗嘴,展现了生命的顽强和活力。饮啄、争雄、竿网等词语...